Professional Resume Writing Services

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The Employment Gap


By Natasha Aguirre, Owner/CEO

A lot of candidates have gaps in their employment, especially with the recent Great Recession. While this is very common, you should fill the gap if possible.  

Did you volunteer or go back to school?

Were you a stay at home mom/dad? Travel the world?

Did you care for an ill family member?


It is better to list these things on your resume than have a 1 year+ gap. 

If you did freelance/contract work, be as specific as possible! If you were a freelance writer or contractor list the publications/companies you worked with and projects you worked on.  If you don't do this, employers will assume you just put that on the resume to fill the gap and didn't actually have any clients.

The cover letter is a great place to explain employment gaps.  If  you were laidoff, say so.  If you survived 3 rounds of layoffs but got let go on the 4th, say so. 

Show that you made use of your time and did more than just sit at home during your gap in employment.

Do you have any helpful tips for how to pass the time when you're not working? Share them in the comment section below!